Africa Squadron

Africa Squadron

A photograph of the sloop-of-war USS Jamestown in 1844. She captured two slave ships with the Africa Squadron.
Active 1819 - 1861
Country  United States
Branch United States Navy
Type naval squadron
Role African Slave Trade Patrol

The Africa Squadron was a unit of the United States Navy that operated from 1819 to 1861 to suppress the slave trade along the coast of West Africa. However, the term was often ascribed to Anti-Slavery operations during the period leading up to the Civil War.

The squadron was an outgrowth of the 1819 treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom that was an early step in stopping the trade, and further defined by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842. Although technically coordinated with a British West Africa Squadron based in Sierra Leone, in practice the American contingent worked on its own. The squadron also lacked support from the Navy itself: Secretary of the Navy Abel Parker Upshur (1790–1844) was a Southerner and an extreme supporter of States rights and slavery, and assigned only a handful of ships mounting a total of 80 guns between them.

Matthew Perry was the first commander of the squadron, and based himself in Cape Verde.

The squadron was generally ineffective, since the ships were too few, and since much of the trading activity had shifted to the Niger River delta area (present-day Nigeria), which was not being covered. In the two years of Perry's leadership, only one slaver was reported to be captured, and that ship was later acquitted by a New Orleans court. In the 16 years of squadron operation, only the crew of 19 slave ships went to trial. These slavers were acquitted or only lightly fined. Other commanders, however, were more successful.


African Slave Trade Patrol

The Africa Squadron's cruising area eventually ranged from Cape Frio to the south (about 18 degrees south latitude), to Madeira in the north. However, the squadron's supply depot was in Cape Verde Island, approximately 2500 miles from the northern-most centers of the slave trade in the Bight of Biafra and southward. The Navy department did not move the depot location until 1859, when it was set up at St. Paul de Luanda, in present-day Angola, about 8 degrees south latitude. At the same time the department put Madeira out of bounds for the squadron.

The majority of the squadron's cruising in its first decade was along the coast of Western Africa, with particular attention to Liberian interests. By the 1850s much of the slave trade in this area had been eliminated by the British, based in their colony at Sierra Leone, as well as the Liberians.

Vessels seized by the Africa Squadron

Africa Squadron

Vessel Captor Date Location
Uncas Porpoise 1 March 1844 Gallinas
Spitfire Truxtun 24 March 1845 Pongas R.
Patuxent Yorktown 27 September 1845 Cape Mount
Merchant Jamestown 12 March 1845 Sierra Leone
Pons Yorktown 30 September 1845 Kabenda
Panther Yorktown 15 December 1845 Kabenda
Robert Wilson Jamestown 15 January 1846 Porto Praya
Malaga Boxer 13 April 1846 Kabenda
Casket Marion 2 August 1846 Kabenda
Chancellor Dolphin 10 April 1847 Cape Palmas
Excellent John Adams 23 April 1850 Ambriz
Martha Perry 6 June 1850 Ambriz
Chatsworth Perry 11 September 1850 Ambriz
Advance Germantown 3 November 1852 Porto Praya
R.P. Brown Germantown 23 January 1853 Porto Praya
H.N. Gambrill Constitution 3 November 1853 Kongo
Glamorgan Perry 10 March 1854 Kongo
W.G. Lewis Dale 6 November 1857 Kongo
Brothers Marion 8 September 1858 Mayumba
Julia Dean Vincennes 28 December 1858 Cape Coast Castle
Orion Marion 21 April 1859 Kongo
Ardennes Marion 27 April 1859 Kongo
Emily Portsmouth 21 September 1859 Loango
Delicia Constellation 21 September 1859 Kabenda
Virginian Portsmouth 6 February 1860 Kongo
Falmouth Portsmouth 6 May 1860 Porto Praya
Thomas Achorn Mystic 29 June 1860 Kabenda
Triton Mystic 16 July1860 Loango
Erie Mohican 8 August 1860 Kongo
Storm King San Jacinto 8 August 1860 Kongo
Cora Constellation 26 September 1860 Kongo
Bonito San Jacinto 10 October 1860 Kongo
Express Saratoga 25 February 1861 Possibly Loango
Nightingale Saratoga 21 April 1861 Kabenda
Triton Constellation 20 May 1861 Kongo
Falmouth Sumpter 14 June 1862 Kongo

Vessels seized by other squadrons

Brazil Squadron

Vessel Captor Date Location
Porpoise Raritan 23 January 1845 Rio de Janeiro
Albert Bainbridge June 1845 Bahia
Laurens Onkahye 23 January 1848 Rio de Janeiro
A.D. Richardson Perry 11 December 1848 Rio de Janeiro
Independence Perry 13 December 1848 Rio de Janeiro
Susan Perry 6 February 1849 Rio de Janeiro

Home Squadron: Off Cuba

Vessel Captor Date Location
Putnam Dolphin 21 August 1858 Cuba
Cygnet Mohawk 18 November 1859 Cuba
Wildfire Mohawk 26 April 1860 Cuba
William Wyandotte 9 May 1860 Cuba
Bogota Crusader 23 May 1860 Cuba
W.R. Kibby Crusader 23 July1860 Cuba
Joven Antonio Crusader 14 August 1860 Cuba
Toccoa Mohawk 20 December 1860 Havana
Mary J. Kimball Mohawk 21 December 1860 Havana

Source: Canney, D.L., "Africa Squadron", Potomac Books, 2006, pp. 233–234

See also
